This is the story of Flamborough Baptist Church, and how God worked through Stewards Canada to see their mission and vision come to life to expand their facilities and meet the needs of a growing community around them. WATCH VIDEO NOW >

Stewards Canada is a registered Canadian charity providing mortgage financing to Brethren assemblies and other evangelical Christian churches, schools, nursing facilities and camps. Banks are generally reluctant to lend to churches, due to donations being the sole source of income. They often charge higher interest rates with strict conditions to offset their perception of higher risk. In contrast, Stewards Canada offers standard mortgage interest rates and more lenient terms, made possible with our history of church financing expertise, ensuring mortgage security is sufficient to cover loans.
Stewards Canada is registered with the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA). Mortgage Brokerage License # 12178. Mortgage Broker # 12459.

Member of Canadian Centre for Christian Charities